Hello, I would like to know if it’s possible to have a value ‘text’ inside a single selection combo box
I am trying to set values such as:
“01” or “02”
and it allows me to type them in and save, but after i do so they became:
1, 2.
After a few investigations I noticed this is due the “value” inside the combo box, is a numeric value, and it doesn’t accept leading zeroes, is there a workaround or alternative to achieve this goal?
We have certain codes for Municipality, District and such, which start in “0” and then at the end of the selected geographic location we concatenate each, and that brings up the expected geographic location, but if we can’t save with the 0’s we will later have to do some query formatting or such, which is what we are trying to avoid…
You could get Survey Solutions to do this concatenation and formatting for you. You could create a variable with Survey Solutions’ dialect of C# that constructs the desired geographic variable. See this thread for more details.
You could also do the same in post-processing with a similar script in the language of your choice.