I have created an api user from our admin account for our server. Using Arthur Shaw’s susoapi R package, I have set the credentials.
server = “http://1*...**/”,
workspace = “XXX”,
user = “xyz_api”,
password = “xyz1”
When I check credentials, it says “Credentials invalid for workspace XXX
However, when I run get_workspace function using GUID for the xyz_api user, it gives XXX workspace in the list.
The credentials are correct, yet I am not able to access any data.
I also created another API user xyz_api1 account to check. When I set credentials using xyz_api1 details, it is giving me the same error. Not only that, I am not even able to run the ‘get_workspaces’ function with this user. It gives following error:
Error in value[[3L]]()
! No workspaces found.
I am new to both R and APIs in general so it may be that I am missing something obvious, but I would appreciate any help nonetheless.