Source data verification

Hello everyone. I am planning to use Survey Solutions for a clinical trial and would like to know if it offers data verification and validation features similar to software like OpenClinica.

What are those features specifically?

This attribute allows you to review the questionnaire completed for an individual, providing the ability to comment on or verify the validity of the data and suggest corrections if necessary. However, it does not grant access to editing the data. It is commonly used in clinical trials, where an external reviewer checks the consistency of the entered data against the original source data to ensure accuracy and compliance.

  • review the questionnaire completed for an individual, - YES

  • providing the ability to comment on or verify the validity of the data and suggest corrections if necessary. - YES

  • However, it does not grant access to editing the data. - YES

  • external reviewer checks the consistency of the entered data against the original source data to ensure accuracy and compliance. - ???

Who is an “external reviewer”? and how does the system authenticate him/her? and does the EXTERNAL REVIEWER need to leave comments?

See also publications in this thread for experience with application of Survey Solutions in medical studies/trials. ATTN: @sandeepbhujbal