Dear Support,
As part of our field procedures, our team supervisors conduct a first round of Quality Checks for all interviews completed while still being on the field. They use Google Chrome on their tablets to check all answers of the interviews completed by their team enumerators.
We have recently renewed part of our tablets, and supervisors cannot seem to be able to open cases from the Interviews tab, to check all answers. I just tried on my smartphone and am confronted with the same issue: when tapping on the survey ID number in the Interviews tab, instead of bringing us to the actual interviews (and see all questions/answers), the interview “tick box” is ticked and only gives us the choice to approve/reject/etc. the case. Surprisingly, this problem does not happen with our old tablets, with which we can still select the case and check its answers. However we do need to “rotate” the screen (landscape format) to do so.
I wonder if you have any idea on why this could happen: screen size/resolution issue? Google Chrome issue? other? Not sure whether other users may have reported this kind of issue, but I’m looking forward to your reply about it.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,