Restrict DD value in Date variable


I have a date question that I want respondents to be able to click and enter the date they received training in the past. Only the month and year of training are needed. Currently the question asks for YYYY-MM-DD to be entered. But, is there a way to restrict to have just YYYY-MM entered. I have not found a way to do this for date questions/variables. Thanks in advance!

To my knowledge, there is no single question type that captures only year and month. The date question captures year, month, and day.

But you could achieve the same by creating two questions:

  1. Numeric question to capture the year. (Potentially also single-select if the year of training is a well-defined set.)
  2. Single-select question to capture the month.
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A text question with pattern ####-## and some validations to ensure the month is [01…12] and the year is within a reasonable range, depending on the context.

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Thanks. That is exactly what was decided on. Just wanted all in a single question, and also to avoid too much typing in the survey, where possible.

Great! Thank you for confirming!