How to use a questionnaire of Survey Solutions to calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

Hello everyone.

I would like to know if anyone here has ever created a questionnaire to use to collect prices and product characteristics, and then use the data in the calculation of the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

  1. What has been the logic implemented to build the questionnaire?
  2. Has it been difficult to navigate the questionnaire in the Interviewer application?
  3. Where can I consult examples of questionnaires developed for this task of collecting the prices of the products in the different establishments of the markets or observation points to then use to this data to calculate the Consumer Price Index (CPI)?

Thank you very much for your attention and collaboration, your experiences will be very useful to me.

Dear Kevin,

I recently have worked on a CPI questionnaire together with Arthur Shaw, that allows for tailored questions per outlet, in-questionnaire checks on reported prices (using hidden prices of the previous period), options to weigh certain items (to correct the reported prices) and options to suggest new items for discontinued products.

Nevertheless the resulting code is really short:

Are you working for the NSI of Honduras?

Kind regards
Arthur Giesberts