Getting interviews via API shows responses only for Identifying page

Hello, I am using the R API by Arthur Shaw, when i try to get interviews, i can only see the responses in the identifying page. However the rest of the responses for the rest of the pages, i cannot see them in the data frame.
@arthurshaw2002 @klaus @michael_wild @ashwinikalantri

This is the function i am running
cases ← get_interviews_for_questionnaire(

Could you please post an issue here with as much detail as possible?

From your description, am I right that the data frame contains fewer interviews than are associated with that questionnaire ID? If so, it would seem the problem is pagination. I don’t see why this problem would arise, but further details, even if redacted, would help.

I mean the columns do not show for the entire data. In my questionnaire I have two sections, the id panel, charactetistics.
However when I export it, I get all the data frames, (columns) but when I used the get interview, I can see only information on the id panel, the rest do not show.