Examples of maps file zip

I failed to make maps file and upload it. I tried a lot of things but nothing success. i want to have a map of buildings to work on it if the survey building made or not yet. can someone upload here an example of maps file(.zip) to upload it in the server and try to see it closer

What specifically have you tried?
What specifically didn’t work?
What error messages did you get?

Capture d'écran 2024-06-07 094005
nothing work and i don’t understand what’s wrong. have you an example of maps file to see it so closer what’s the difference between mine and the successful one. I spent much time in this problem and all my work was stopped.
my goal is to did something like this here : Map Dashboard
any help
thank you

The error message indicates there is a problem with the files naming.
What is the content of the zip file you are trying to upload??
List all the files (in a text mode, not as a screenshot).

File Namegov.shp is missing for Namegov
File Namegov.shx is missing for Namegov.shp
File Namegov.dbf is missing for Namegov.shp
The file Namegov/Namegov.cpg name includes invalid characters.
The file Namegov/Namegov.dbf name includes invalid characters.
The file Namegov/Namegov.prj name includes invalid characters.
The file Namegov/Namegov.shp name includes invalid characters.
The file Namegov/Namegov.shx name includes invalid characters.

I’ve asked you to list the content of the archive, but you are repeating the output of Survey Solutions.

I mean literally this:

As described, e.g. here.

Here is an example of a shapefile (District of Columbia, USA boundary)

And another example of a shapefile (wards’ boundaries in DC)

Here is the latter uploaded to Survey Solutions:

thank you for your help. I remarqued that mau zip file contains another directory. I tried many ways to have directly maps files when I click to the zip file, but always i have a sub directory contains the files. how to solve that?

I think the documentation is already pretty clear about the requirement: