Data download Restriction

Dear team
I have Headquarters use. I want to restrict this account to download / Data Export option.
Is it possible it?

Could you say more of what you mean by … ?

To my knowledge, any Headquarters account can download all data in the workspace to which they have access. Put another way–again, to my knowledge–there’s no way to prevent a Headquarters user from downloading data collected in a workspace to which the user has access (e.g., one HQ account cannot download data at all, another can download data only for a certain region, and still another HQ account can download all data).

However, you can limit Headquarter access with the following setup, which may or may not suit your partricular use case:

  • Create one workspace per survey (or region or whatever segment makes sense)
  • Grant a Headquarters user access only to particular workspace(s)

Thank you for your solution.
But, We have restrict option in the system.
Can I use this restriction option for the download / Data Export survey’s data?

Could you say more about what this involves, perhaps with a screenshot, if possible? I’m not immediately sure what this might be.

Please point to the documentation describing this option.

This has nothing to do with what you’ve asked in the beginning. The ‘restricted account’ user can’t modify his/her account’s properties that are listed in the article (and underlined in the screenshot), but the account functionality (what the user can do based on his/her role) is not affected.

Your best bet is probably data encryption, which doesn’t prevent the download, but renders it useless for those who do not have the password: