I would like to know how to put the condition between two questions
A °) Question
multiple choice
. choice1
. choice2
. choice3
. choice4
B °) question
Condition: B °) active question if the choice is greater than 1
I would like to know how to put the condition between two questions
A °) Question
multiple choice
. choice1
. choice2
. choice3
. choice4
B °) question
Condition: B °) active question if the choice is greater than 1
Not sure is I correctly understand question.
Condition on second question should be something like this:
questionA.Length >= 1
Sample on designer: https://designer.mysurvey.solutions/questionnaire/details/a41716bf748648ee81cc53d90018121d/chapter/ace14d8151914f7998a83add977a5758/question/81e02c8d465a62ddaeaa292f55e66927
In conditions result of multple choice question is an array of category codes: https://support.mysurvey.solutions/syntax-guide/cslanguage/data-types/#questions