Dear all,
Is it possible to install the Interviewer App on Windows tablets?
(online survey will not be an option in rural Niger)
Thanks a lot
No, the Interviewer app is an Android application and doesn’t run on Windows, Mac OS, iOS or any other operating system.
Hi Pascal,
I have tested with a client to use Android emulators on Windows devices.
On Windows laptops there were issues with screen resolution and scrolling.
But on Windows tablets everything worked fine during our tests, including accessing the GPS.
Caveat: we have not yet started field work, so may not have detected some problems yet.
The emulator used was Blue Stacks.
Thanks a lot Zurab and Klaus for your answers!
We have our students design studies and collect data for these studies. One problem we face is that not everyone owns an android phone that can be used for data collection. We use KoBoToolbox (ODK) for these exercises.
The link to the form is cached in the chrome browser and can be opened even when there is no internet connection. Even the data is saved locally and syncs when internet is available. This is not ideal, but makes up for the lack of native apps on non-android platform.