Center sections list on current section


When the sections menu is opened in Designer, focus is on the beginning of the list of sections.

For questionnaires with a large number of sections, this UI choice might make navigation of more effortful.

To see this, consider the following navigation task. Suppose that I want to move from the one section to the immediately previous or following section. If the current section is in the “view port” of the section list, the task is simple: click on the navigation target that is also in the “view port” (except, of course, if the current section is the very last visible one). If the current section is not in the “view port” of the section list, one must scroll to find it and then click on the nearby navigation target.

See this animated gif by way of example


Affected subsystems



Anyone with more than roughly 6 sections in their questionnaire


Scroll, baby, scroll :scroll: