Aplicativo en otro idioma

Estimado el servidor de prueba al momento de instalar en las tabletas se encuentran en un idioma diferente al pais (Perú) donde se instalo. Este problema se esta presentando desde diciembre del año pasado. Por favor su apoyo con este problema.

Saludos Cordiales

Dear @Franco2010 ,

Honestly, I do not know Spanish, but my understanding is that the language of the IN app is different from the country in which it is used.
As far as I can see language functionality works with no errors in current release IN application. Could you please verify the language of tablets, because IN app uses the same language as the system? You can also try changing the system language to Spanish (for testing purposes it could be any supported language such as French, Chinese, Arabic etc.), then close-open the IN app and see how it reacts to that.